دوشنبه ۲۲ بهمن ۱۴۰۳

امین شهسوار

مشاهده همه

امین شهسوار

عضو هیئت علمی گروه مهندسی مکانیک
مرتبه علمی :دانشیار
آخرین مدرک تحصیلی :دکترای تخصصی/مهندسی مکانیک
لینک رزومه و سوابق :نمایش

مقالات انگلیسی

۱. A. Shahsavar, Experimental study of thermal and electrical performance of a photovoltaic / thermal system with nanofluid cooling equipped with grooved plate-tube collector, Energy Engineering & Management. ۲. A. Shahsavar, M. Jafari, E.B. Askari, F. Selimefendigil, Thermo-hydraulic performance and entropy generation of biologically synthesized silver/water-ethylene glycol nano-fluid flow inside a rifled tube using two-phase mixture model, Energy Source, Part A, https://doi.org/۱۰.۱۰۸۰/۱۵۵۶۷۰۳۶.۲۰۲۰.۱۸۵۰۹۳۲. ۳. A. Shahsavar, S. Roohani, A. Jahangiri, Evaluation of the effect of rifled inlet on the hydrothermal performance and entropy generation of biological silver/water nanofluid‑cooled heatsink, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, In Press, https://doi.org/۱۰.۱۰۰۷/s۱۰۹۷۳-۰۲۲-۱۱۳۴۲-۳. ۴. H. Salehipour, D. Shahgholian-Ghahfarokhi, A. Shahsavar, O. Civalek, M. Edalati, Static deflection and free vibration analysis of functionally graded and porous cylindrical micro/nano shells based on the three-dimensional elasticity and modified couple stress theories, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines ۵۰ (۲۰۲۲) ۲۱۸۴-۲۲۰۵. ۵. P. Talebizadehsardari, H. Salehipour, D. Shahgholian-Ghahfarokhi, A. Shahsavar, M. Karimi, Free vibration analysis of the macro-micro-nano plates and shells made of a material with functionally graded porosity: A closed-form solution, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines ۵۰ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۵۴-۱۰۸۰. ۶. A. Shahsavar, P. Farhadi, C. Yildiz, M. Moradi, M. Arici, Evaluation of entropy generation characteristics of boehmite-alumina nanofluid with different shapes of nanoparticles in a helical heat sink, International Journal of Mechanical sciences ۷. E.B. Askari, A. Shahsavar, M. Jamei, F. Calise, M. Karbasi, A parametric assessing and intelligent forecasting of the energy and exergy performances of a dish concentrating photovoltaic/thermal collector considering six different nanofluids and applying two meticulous soft computing paradigms, Renewable Energy ۱۹۳ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۴۹-۱۶۶. ۸. A. Jahangiri, M.E.S. Farahani, G. Ahmadi, A. Shahsavar, A. Borzouei, H. Gharehbaei, Coupled CFD and ۳E (Energy, Exergy and Economical) analysis of using windbreak walls in heller type cooling towers, Journal of Cleaner Production ۳۵۸ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۳۱۵۵۰. ۹. A. Shahsavar, A. Goodarzi, I.B. Askari, M. Jamei, M. Karbasi, M. Afrand, The entropy generation analysis of the influence of using fins with tip clearance on the thermal management of the batteries with phase change material: Application a new gradient-based ensemble machine learning approach Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ۱۴۰ (۲۰۲۲) ۴۳۲-۴۴۶. ۱۰. A. Shahsavar, M.A. Mirzaei, A. Shaham, M. Jamei, M. Karbasi, F. Seifikar, S. Azizian, Experimental exploration of rheological behavior of polyethylene glycol-carbon dot nanofluid: Introducing a robust artificial intelligence paradigm optimized with unscented Kalman filter technique, Journal of Molecular Liquids ۳۵۸ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۱۹۱۹۸. ۱۱. A. Shahsavar, I.B. Askari, A.R.M. Dovom, Energy saving in buildings by using the exhaust air and phase change material for cooling of photovoltaic panels, Journal of Building Engineering ۵۳ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۴۵۲۰. ۱۲. A. Shahsavar, S. Entezari, I.B. Askari, M. Jamei, M. Karbasi, M. Shahmohammadi, Investigation on two-phase fluid mixture flow, heat transfer and entropy generation of a non-Newtonian water-CMC/CuO nanofluid inside a twisted tube with variable twist pitch: Numerical and evolutionary machine learning simulation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ۱۴۰ (۲۰۲۲) ۳۲۲–۳۳۷. ۱۳. P. Azimi, A. Shahsavar, N. Azimi, Using high-frequency ultrasonic and thermoelectric generators to enhance the performance of a photovoltaic module, Journal of Cleaner Production ۳۵۰ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۳۱۳۹۳. ۱۴. A. Shahsavar, M. Arici, Effect of glass cover on the energy and exergy performance of a combined system including a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system and a sensible rotary heat exchanger, International Journal of Energy Research ۴۶ (۲۰۲۲) ۵۰۵۰-۵۰۶۶. ۱۵. A. Shahsavar, A. Shaham, C. Yildiz, M. Arici, Entropy generation characteristics in charging and discharging of PCM in a variable wavy walled triplex tube latent heat storage unit for battery thermal management system, Journal of Energy Storage ۵۱ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۴۳۷۴. ۱۶. S. Rahmanian, H. Rahmanian Koushkaki, A. Shahsavar, Numerical assessment on the hydrothermal behaviour and entropy generation characteristics of boehmite alumina nanofluid flow through a concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system considering various shapes for nanoparticle, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ۵۲ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۲۱۴۳. ۱۷. A. Shahsavar, Numerical investigation of the entropy generation of forced convection flow of a non-Newtonian nanofluid inside a twisted double-pipe heat exchanger, Journal of Mechanical Engineering ۵۲ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۲۹-۱۳۸. ۱۸. A. Shahsavar, M. Jafari, F. Selimefendigil, Two-phase mixture modeling of turbulent forced convective flow of water–silver nanofluid inside a rifled tube: hydrothermal characteristics and irreversibility behavior, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۷ (۲۰۲۲) ۹۵۷-۹۶۹. ۱۹. A. Shahsavar, K. Moradi, C. Yildiz, P. Farhadi, M. Arici, Effect of nanoparticle shape on cooling performance of boehmite-alumina nanofluid in a helical heat sink for laminar and turbulent flow regimes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ۲۱۷ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۷۰۴۵. ۲۰. M. Hasani, I.B. Askari, A. Shahsavar, Two-phase mixture simulation of the performance of a grooved helical microchannel heat sink filled with biologically prepared water-silver nanofluid: hydrothermal characteristics and irreversibility behavior, Applied Thermal Engineering ۲۰۲ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۱۷۸۴۸. ۲۱. S. Rasaee, A. Shahsavar, K. Niazi, Experimental assessment on convection heat transfer characteristics of aqueous magnetite ferrofluid in a rifled tube under a rotating magnetic field, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۹ (۲۰۲۲) ۱۰۵۶۷۳. ۲۲. M.R. Niknejadi, M. Afrand, A. Karimipour, A. Shahsavar, A.H.M. Isfahani, An experimental study on the cooling efficiency of magnetite–water nanofluid in a twisted tube exposed to a rotating magnetic field, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۸۹۳-۱۹۰۹. ۲۳. Y. Ma, A. Shahsavar, I. Moradi, S. Rostami, A. Moradikazerouni, H. Yarmand, N.W.B.M. Zulkifli, Using finite volume method for simulating the natural convective heat transfer of nano-fluid flow inside an inclined enclosure with conductive walls in the presence of a constant temperature heat source, Physica A ۵۸۰ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۲۳۰۳۵, ۲۴. Y. Li, A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadehsardari, Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol-based nanofluid containing SiO۲ nanoadditives: experimental data and modeling through curve fitting, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۱۰۱-۱۱۰۹. ۲۵. A. Shahsavar, A. Goodarzi, P. Talebizadehsardari, M. Arıcı, Numerical investigation of a double-pipe latent heat thermal energy storage with sinusoidal wavy fins during melting and solidification, International Journal of Energy Research ۴۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۲۰۹۳۴-۲۰۹۴۸. ۲۶. W. Cai, D. Toghraie, A. Shahsavar, P. Barnoon, A. Khan, M.H. Beni, J.E. Jam, Eulerian-Lagrangian investigation of nanoparticle migration in the heat sink by considering different block shape effects, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۹۹ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۱۷۵۹۳. ۲۷. A. Shahsavar, M. Jafari, S. Rostami, Numerical investigation of laminar flow of biological nanofluid in a rifled tube using two-phase mixture model: first-law and second-law analyses and geometry optimization, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۹۵۵-۹۶۶. ۲۸. A. Shahsavar, P. Jha, M. Arici, S. Nizetic, Z. Ma, Energetic and exergetic performances of a nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal system equipped with a sheet-and-grooved serpentine tube collector: Indoor experimental tests, Solar Energy ۲۲۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۹۱۸-۹۳۳. ۲۹. A. Shahsavar, M. Shahmohammadi, I.B. Askari, The effect of inlet/outlet number and arrangement on hydrothermal behavior and entropy generation of the laminar water flow in a pin-fin heat sink, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۷ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۵۵۰۰. ۳۰. A. Shahsavar, M. Jamei, M. Karbasi, Experimental evaluation and development of predictive models for rheological behavior of aqueous Fe۳O۴ ferrofluid in the presence of an external magnetic field by introducing a novel grid optimization based-Kernel ridge regression supported by sensitivity analysis, Powder Technology ۳۹۳ (۲۰۲۱) ۱-۱۱. ۳۱. A. Shahsavar, M. Shahmohammadi, E.B. Askari, CFD simulation of the impact of tip clearance on the hydrothermal performance and entropy generation of a water-cooled pin-fin heat sink, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۵۴۰۰. ۳۲. A. Shahsavar, M. Jafari, P. Talebizadehsardari, D. Toghraie, Hydrothermal and entropy generation specifications of a hybrid ferronanofluid in microchannel heat sink embedded in CPUs, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ۳۲ (۲۰۲۱) ۲۷-۳۸. ۳۳. A. Shahsavar, M. Rashidi. C. Yildiz, M. Arici, Natural convection and entropy generation of Ag-water nanofluid in a finned horizontal annulus: A particular focus on the impact of fin numbers, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۵۳۴۹. ۳۴. A. Shahsavar, S. Noori, D. Toghraie, P. Barnoon, Free convection of non‐Newtonian nanofluid flow inside an eccentric annulus from the point of view of first‐law and second‐law of thermodynamics, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ۱۰۱ (۲۰۲۱) e۲۰۲۰۰۰۲۶۶. ۳۵. S. Rahmanian, H. Rahmanian-Koushkaki, P. Omidvar, A. Shahsavar, Nanofluid-PCM heat sink for building integrated concentrated photovoltaic with thermal energy storage and recovery capability, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ۴۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۱۲۲۳. ۳۶. S. Khanmohammadi, A. Shahsavar, Comparison of the performance of different designs of a combined system consisting of a photovoltaic thermal unit and a sensible rotary heat exchange, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ۴۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۱۲۰۳. ۳۷. M. Arici, C. Yildiz, S. Nizetic, A. Shahsavar, A. Campo, Implications of boundary conditions on natural convective heat transfer of molten phase change material inside enclosures, International Journal of Energy Research ۴۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۷۶۳۱-۷۶۵۰. ۳۸. A. Shahsavar, M.A. Bakhshizadeh, M. Arici, M. Afrand, S. Rostami, Numerical study of the possibility of improving the hydrothermal performance of an elliptical double-pipe heat exchanger through the simultaneous use of twisted tubes and non-Newtonian nanofluid, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۳ (۲۰۲۱) ۲۸۲۵-۲۸۴۰. ۳۹. M.S. Nazir, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, M. Arici, S, Nizetic, Z. Ma, H.F. Oztop, A comprehensive review of parabolic trough solar collectors equipped with turbulators and numerical evaluation of hydrothermal performance of a novel model, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ۴۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۱۱۰۳. ۴۰. A. Shahsavar, S. Entezari, E.B. Askari, H.M. Ali, The effect of using connecting holes on heat transfer and entropy generation behaviors in a micro channels heat sink cooled with biological silver/water Nanofluid, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۳ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۴۹۲۹. ۴۱. A. Shahsavar, S.A. Bagherzadeh, M. Afrand, Application of artificial intelligence techniques in prediction of energetic performance of a hybrid system consisting of an earth-air heat exchanger and a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering ۱۴۳ (۲۰۲۱) ۰۵۱۰۰۲. ۴۲. A. Shahsavar, P. Jha, M. Arici, P. Estelle, Experimental investigation of the usability of the rifled serpentine tube to improve energy and exergy performances of a nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal system, Renewable Energy ۱۷۰ (۲۰۲۱) ۴۱۰-۴۲۵. ۴۳. C. Yildiz, A.E. Yildiz, M. Arici, N.A. Azmi, A. Shahsavar, Influence of dome shape on flow structure, natural convection and entropy generation in enclosures at different inclinations: A comparative study, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ۱۹۷ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۶۳۲۱. ۴۴. A. Shahsavar, O. Yari, E.B. Askari, The entropy generation analysis of forward and backward laminar water flow in a plate-pin-fin heatsink considering three different splitters, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۰ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۰۵۰۲۶. ۴۵. A. Shahsavar, Experimental evaluation of energy and exergy performance of a nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal system equipped with a sheet-and-sinusoidal serpentine tube collector, Journal of Cleaner Production ۲۸۷ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۲۵۰۶۴. ۴۶. A. Shahsavar, S.S. Alimohammadi, I.B. Askari, H.M. Ali, Numerical investigation of the effect of corrugation profile on the hydrothermal characteristics and entropy generation behavior of laminar forced convection of non-Newtonian water/CMC-CuO nanofluid flow inside a wavy channel, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۲۱ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۵۱۱۷. ۴۷. M.R. Niknejadi, M. Afrand, A. Karimipour, A. Shahsavar, A.H. Meghdadi Isfahani, Experimental investigation of the hydrothermal aspects of water-Fe۳O۴ nanofluid inside a twisted tube, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۳ (۲۰۲۱) ۸۰۱-۸۱۰. ۴۸. A. Shahsavar, P. Jha, M. Arici, G. Kefayati, A comparative experimental investigation of energetic and exergetic performances of Water/Magnetite nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal system equipped with finned and unfinned collectors, Energy ۲۲۰ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۱۹۷۱۴. ۴۹. K. Varmira, M.M. Baseri, S. Khanmohammadi, M. Hamelian, A. Shahsavar, Experimental study of the effect of sheet-and-sinusoidal tube collector on the energetic and exergetic performance of a photovoltaic-thermal unit filled with biologically synthesized water/glycerol-silver nanofluid, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۸۶ (۲۰۲۱) ۱۱۶۵۱۸. ۵۰. S. Khanmohammadi, A. Shahsavar, Thermodynamic assessment and proposal of new configurations of an indirect water bath heater for a City Gate Station (a case study), Energy Equipment and Systems ۸ (۲۰۲۰) ۳۴۹-۳۶۵. ۵۱. Z. Tian, A. Shahsavar, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, S. Rostami, Numerical simulation of nanofluid convective heat transfer in an oblique cavity with conductive edges equipped with a constant temperature heat source: Entropy production analysis, Computers & Mathematics with Applications ۸۱ (۲۰۲۱) ۷۲۵-۷۳۶. ۵۲. A. Shahsavar, A.H. Majidzadeh, R.B. Mahani, P. Talebizadehsardari, Entropy and thermal performance analysis of PCM melting and solidification mechanisms in a wavy channel triplex-tube heat exchanger, Renewable Energy ۱۶۵ (۲۰۲۱) ۵۲-۷۲. ۵۳. A. Shahsavar, S. Entezari, D. Toghraie, P. Barnoon, Effects of the porous medium and water-silver biological nanofluid on the performance of a newly designed heat sink by using first and second laws of thermodynamics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ۲۸ (۲۰۲۰) ۲۹۲۸-۲۹۳۷. ۵۴. A. Shahsavar, H.M. Ali, R.B. Mahani, P. Talebizadehsardari, Numerical study of melting and solidification in a wavy double-pipe latent heat thermal energy storage system, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۱ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۷۸۵-۱۷۹۹. ۵۵. S. Rostami, M. Afrand, A. Shahsavar, M. Sheikholeslami, R. Kalbasi, S. Aghakhani, M.S. Shadloo, H.F. Oztop, A review of melting and freezing processes of PCM/Nano-PCM and their application in energy storage, Energy ۲۱۱ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۸۶۹۸. ۵۶. J. Alsarraf, A. Shahsavar, R.B. Mahani, P.T. Sardari, Turbulent forced convection and entropy production of a nanofluid in a solar collector considering various shapes for nanoparticles, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۱۷ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۴۸۰۴. ۵۷. A. Shahsavar, M. Eisapour, P. Talebizadehsardari, Experimental evaluation of novel photovoltaic/thermal systems using serpentine cooling tubes with different cross-sections of circular, triangular and rectangular, Energy ۲۰۸ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۸۴۰۹. ۵۸. C. Yildiz, M. Arici, S. Nizetic, A. Shahsavar, Numerical investigation of natural convection behavior of molten PCM in an enclosure having rectangular and tree-like branching fins, Energy ۲۰۷ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۸۲۲۳. ۵۹. F.H. Ali, H.K. Hamzah, K. Egab, M. Arici, A. Shahsavar, Non-Newtonian nanofluid natural convection in a U-shaped cavity under magnetic field, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ۱۸۶ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۵۸۸۷. ۶۰. A. Shahsavar, M. Rashidi, M. Monfared Mosghani, D. Toghraie, P. Talebizadehsardari, A numerical investigation on the influence of nanoadditive shape on the natural convection and entropy generation inside a rectangle‑shaped finned concentric annulus filled with boehmite alumina nanofluid using two‑phase mixture model, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۴۱ (۲۰۲۰) ۹۱۵-۹۳۰. ۶۱. H. Salehipour, M. Jamshidi, A. Shahsavar, Considering bending and vibration of homogeneous nanobeam coated by a FG layer, Journal of Solid Mechanics ۱۲ (۲۰۲۰) ۴۱۱-۴۳۷. ۶۲. S. Rostami, A. Shahsavar, G.R. Kefayati, A. Shahsavar Goldanlou, Energy and exergy analysis of using turbulator in a parabolic trough solar collector filled with mesoporous silica modified with copper nanoparticles hybrid nanofluid, Energies ۱۳ (۲۰۲۰) ۲۹۴۶. ۶۳. A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, M. Afrand, A. Shahsavar, S. Rostami, On evaluation of magnetic field effect on the formation of nanoparticles clusters inside aqueous magnetite nanofluid: An experimental study and comprehensive modeling, Journal of Molecular Liquids ۳۱۲ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۳۳۷۸. ۶۴. A. Shahsavar, H. Moayedi, A.H.A. Al-Waeli, K. Sopian, P. Chelvanathan, Machine learning predictive models for optimal design of building‐integrated photovoltaic‐thermal collectors, International Journal of Energy Research ۴۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۵۶۷۵-۵۶۹۵. ۶۵. Z. Li, A. Shahsavar, K. Niazi, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, S. Rostami, Numerical assessment on the hydrothermal behavior and irreversibility of MgO-Ag/water hybrid nanofluid flow through a sinusoidal hairpin heat-exchanger, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۱۵ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۴۶۲۸. ۶۶. Y. Zheng, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Sonication time efficacy on Fe۳O۴-liquid paraffin magnetic nanofluid thermal conductivity: an experimental evaluation, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry ۶۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۵۰۰۴. ۶۷. Y. Zheng, X. Zhang, A. Shahsavar, Q. Nguyen, S. Rostami, Experimental evaluating the rheological behavior of ethylene glycol under graphene nanosheets loading, Powder Technology ۳۶۷ (۲۰۲۰) ۷۸۸-۷۹۵. ۶۸. Z. Li, A. Shahsavar, K. Niazi, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, P. Talebizadehsardari, The effects of vertical and horizontal sources on heat transfer and entropy generation in an inclined triangular enclosure filled with non-Newtonian fluid and subjected to magnetic field, Powder Technology ۳۶۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۹۲۴-۹۴۲. ۶۹. Y. Ma, A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadehsardari, Two-phase mixture simulation of the effect of fin arrangement on first and second law performance of a bifurcation microchannels heatsink operated with biologically prepared water-Ag nanofluid, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۱۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۴۵۵۴. ۷۰. J. Alsarraf, H. Moayedi, A.S.A. Rashid, M.A. Muazu, A. Shahsavar, Application of PSO–ANN modelling for predicting the exergetic performance of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system, Engineering with Computers ۳۶ (۲۰۲۰) ۶۳۳-۶۴۶. ۷۱. A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, Energy and economic evaluation and multicriteria optimization of different arrangements of integrated photovoltaic thermal and heat recovery wheel system, International Journal of Energy Research ۴۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۴۸۸-۱۵۰۵. ۷۲. R. Kalbasi, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Reducing AHU energy consumption by a new layout of using heat recovery units, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۹ (۲۰۲۰) ۲۸۱۱-۲۸۲۰. ۷۳. R. Kalbasi, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Incorporating novel heat recovery units into an AHU for energy demand reduction‑exergy analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۹ (۲۰۲۰) ۲۸۲۱-۲۸۳۰. ۷۴. J. Alsarraf, A. Shahsavar, M. Khaki, R. Ranjbarzadeh, A. Karimipour, M. Afrand, Numerical investigation on the effect of four constant temperature pipes on natural cooling of electronic heat sink by nanofluids: A multifunctional optimization, Advanced Powder Technology ۳۱ (۲۰۲۰) ۴۱۶-۴۳۲. ۷۵. R. Zhang, S. Aghakhani, A.H. Pordanjani, S.M. Vahedi, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Investigation of the entropy generation during natural convection of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids inside the L-shaped cavity subjected to magnetic field: application of lattice Boltzmann method, The European Physical Journal Plus ۱۳۵ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۸۴. ۷۶. F. Pourfattah, D. Toghraie, O.A. Akbari, M. Ahmadpour, A. Shahsavar, Investigation of mixing process of two different gases in a micromixer: Effect of process medium and Knudsen number, Journal of Porous Media ۲۳ (۲۰۲۰) ۸۱-۹۹. ۷۷. Y. Geng, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, B. Mahmoudi, A.S. Alsagri, A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadeh, Characterization of the nanoparticles, the stability analysis and the evaluation of a new hybrid nano-oil thermal conductivity, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۹ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۵۵۳-۱۵۶۴. ۷۸. J. Ma, A. Shahsavar, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A. Karimipour, H. Yarmand, S. Rostami, Viscosity, cloud point, freezing point and flash point of zinc oxide/SAE۵۰ nanolubricant, Journal of Molecular Liquids ۲۹۸ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۲۰۴۵. ۷۹. A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, G.A. Sheikhzadeh, A. Aghaei, F. Monfared, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Effect of a porous medium on flow and mixed convection heat transfer of nanofluids with variable properties in a trapezoidal enclosure, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۹ (۲۰۲۰) ۷۴۱-۷۵۴. ۸۰. A. Shahsavar, A. Goodarzi, H.I. Mohammed, A. Shirneshan, P. Talebizadehsardari, Thermal performance evaluation of non-uniform fin array in a finned double-pipe latent heat storage system, Energy ۱۹۳ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۶۸۰۰. ۸۱. Z. Li, A. Shahsavar, A.A.AA. Al-Rashed, P. Talebizadehsardari, Effect of porous medium and nanoparticles presences in a counter-current triple-tube composite porous/nano-PCM system, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۶۷ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۴۷۷۷. ۸۲. Z. Chen, A. Shahsavar, A.A.A.A. Alrashed, M. Afrand, The impact of sonication and stirring durations on the thermal conductivity of alumina-liquid paraffin nanofluid: An experimental assessment, Powder Technology ۳۶۰ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۳۴-۱۱۴۲. ۸۳. X. Liu, H.I. Mohammed, A.Z. Ashkezari, A. Shahsavar, A.K. Hussein, S. Rostami, An experimental investigation on the rheological behavior of nanofluids made by suspending multi-walled carbon nanotubes in liquid paraffin, Journal of Molecular Liquids ۳۰۰ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۱۲۲۶۹. ۸۴. A. Shahsavar, J. Khosravi, H.I. Mohammad, P. Talebizadehsardari, Performance evaluation of melting/solidification mechanism in a variable wave-length wavy channel double-tube latent heat storage system, Journal of Energy Storage ۲۷ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۱۰۶۳. ۸۵. W. He, A.A. Barzinjy, S. Khanmohammadi, A. Shahsavar, M.A. Moghimi, M. Afrand, Multi-objective optimization of a photovoltaic thermal-compound sensible rotary heat exchanger system using exergo-economic and enviro-economic approaches, Journal of Environmental Management ۲۵۴ (۲۰۲۰) ۱۰۹۷۶۷. ۸۶. W. Liu, A. Shahsavar, A. Barzinjy, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, M. Afrand, Natural convection and entropy generation of a nanofluid in two connected inclined triangular enclosures under magnetic field effects, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۰۸ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۰۴۳۰۹. ۸۷. H. Wu, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A.A. Barzinjy, A. Shahsavar, A. Karimi, P.T. Sardari, Curve-fitting on experimental thermal conductivity of motor oil under influence of hybrid nano additives containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and zinc oxide, Physica A ۵۳۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۲۲۱۲۸. ۸۸. W. Gao, J. Alsarraf, H. Moayedi, A. Shahsavar, H. Nguyen, Comprehensive preference learning and feature validity for designing energy-efficient residential buildings using machine learning paradigms, Applied Soft Computing ۸۴ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۰۵۷۴۸. ۸۹. A. Shahsavar, M.H. Baseri, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, M. Afrand, Numerical investigation of forced convection heat transfer and flow irreversibility in a novel heatsink with helical microchannels working with biologically synthesized water-silver nano-fluid, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۰۸ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۰۴۳۲۴. ۹۰. S. Du, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, M. Barzegar Gerdroodbary, R. Moradi, A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadehsardari, Effect of fuel jet arrangement on the mixing rate inside trapezoidal cavity flame holder at supersonic flow, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ۴۴ (۲۰۱۹). ۲۲۳۱-۲۲۳۹. ۹۱. P. Talebizadehsardari, A. Shahsavar, D. Toghraie, P. Barnoon, An experimental investigation for study the rheological behavior of water–carbon nanotube/magnetite nanofluid subjected to a magnetic field, Physica A ۵۳۴ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۲۲۱۲۹. ۹۲. R. Yadollahi Farasani, A. Raisi, A.A. Nadooshan, A. Shahsavar, Investigation of rheological behavior of liquid paraffin/Al۲O۳ nanofluid: Experimental approach, Energy Equipment and lSystems ۷ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۴۹-۱۵۹. ۹۳. J. Alsarraf, R. Rahmani, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, S. Wongwises, Effect of magnetic field on laminar forced convective heat transfer of MWCNT–Fe۳O۴/water hybrid nanofluid in a heated tube, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۷ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۸۰۹-۱۸۲۵. ۹۴. A. Shahsavar, A. Godini, P. Talebizadeh Sardari, D. Toghraie, H. Salehipour, Impact of variable fluid properties on forced convection of Fe۳O۴/CNT/water hybrid nanofluid in a double-pipe mini-channel heat exchanger, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۷ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۰۳۱-۱۰۴۳. ۹۵. A. Shahsavar, A. Shaham, P. Talebizadehsardari, Wavy channels triple-tube LHS unit with sinusoidal variable wavelength in charging/discharging mechanism, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۰۷ (۲۰۱۹) ۹۳-۱۰۵. ۹۶. W.I. Liu, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A.S. Alsagri, B. Mahmoudi, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Laminar forced convection performance of non-Newtonian water-CNT/Fe۳O۴ nano-fluid inside a minichannel hairpin heat exchanger: Effect of inlet temperature, Powder Technology ۳۵۴ (۲۰۱۹) ۲۴۷-۲۵۸. ۹۷. A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A. Shahsavar, M. Akbari, D. Toghraie, M. Akbari, M. Afrand, Finite volume simulation of mixed convection in an inclined lid-driven cavity filled with nanofluids: Effects of a hot elliptical centric cylinder, cavity angle and volume fraction of nanoparticles, Physica A ۵۲۷ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۲۱۱۲۲. ۹۸. M. Afrand, A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadeh Sardari, K. Sopian, H. Salehipour, Energy and exergy analysis of two novel hybrid solar photovoltaic geothermal energy systems incorporating a building integrated photovoltaic thermal system and an earth air heat exchanger system, Solar Energy ۱۸۸ (۲۰۱۹) ۸۳-۹۵. ۹۹. A. Shahsavar, S.A. Bagherzadeh, B. Mahmoudi, A. Hajizadeh, M. Afrand, T.K. Nguyen, Robust Weighted Least Squares Support Vector Regression algorithm to estimate the nanofluid thermal properties of water/graphene Oxide–Silicon carbide mixture, Physica A ۵۲۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۴۱۸-۱۴۲۸. ۱۰۰. J. Alsarraf, S.A. Bagherzadeh, A. Shahsavar, M. Rostamzadeh, P.V. Trinh, M.D. Tran, Rheological properties of SWCNT/EG mixture by a new developed optimization approach of LS-Support Vector Regression according to empirical data, Physica A ۵۲۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۹۱۲-۹۲۰. ۱۰۱. Z.X. Li, A. Shahsavar, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, R. Kalbasi, M. Afrand, P. Talebizadehsardari, Multi-objective energy and exergy optimization of different configurations of hybrid earth-air heat exchanger and building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system, Energy Conversion and Management ۱۹۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۰۹۸-۱۱۱۰. ۱۰۲. A. Shahsavar, Z. Rahimi, H. Salehipour, Nanoparticle shape effects on thermal-hydraulic performance of boehmite alumina nanofluid in a horizontal double-pipe minichannel heat exchanger, Heat and Mass Transfer ۵۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۷۴۱-۱۷۵۱. ۱۰۳. Z.X. Li, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, M. Rostamzadeh, R. Kalbasi, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, Heat transfer reduction in buildings by embedding phase change material in multi-layer walls: Effects of repositioning, thermophysical properties and thickness of PCM, Energy Conversion and Management ۱۹۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۴۳-۵۶. ۱۰۴. A. Karimi, A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, M. Afrand, O. Mahian, S. Wongwises, A. Shahsavar, The effects of tape insert material on the flow and heat transfer in a nanofluid-based double tube heat exchanger: Two-phase mixture model, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ۱۵۶ (۲۰۱۹) ۳۹۷-۴۰۹. ۱۰۵. H. Salehipour, A. Shahsavar, O. Civalek, Free vibration and static deflection analysis of functionally graded and porous micro/nanoshells with clamped and simply supported edges, Composite Structures ۲۲۱ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۱۰۸۴۲. ۱۰۶. W.I. Liu, J. Alsarraf, A. Shahsavar, M. Rostamzadeh, M. Afrand, T.K. Nguyen, Impact of oscillating magnetic field on the thermal-conductivity of water-Fe۳O۴ and water-Fe۳O۴/CNT ferro-fluids: Experimental study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ۴۸۴ (۲۰۱۹) ۲۵۸-۲۶۵. ۱۰۷. A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A. Shahsavar, S. Entezari, M.A. Moghimi, S.A. Adio, T.K. Nguyen, Numerical investigation of non-Newtonian water-CMC/CuO nanofluid flow in an offset strip-fin microchannel heat sink: Thermal performance and thermodynamic considerations, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۵۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۲۴۷-۲۵۸. ۱۰۸. A.A.A.A. Al-Rashed, A. Shahsavar, O. Rasooli, M.A. Moghimi, A. Karimipour, M.D. Tran, Numerical assessment into the hydrothermal and entropy generation characteristics of biological water-silver nano-fluid in a wavy walled microchannel heat sink, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۰۴ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۱۸-۱۲۶. ۱۰۹. W. Gao, H. Moayedi, A. Shahsavar, The feasibility of genetic programming and ANFIS in prediction energetic performance of a building integrated photovoltaic thermal (BIPVT) system, Solar Energy ۱۸۳ (۲۰۱۹) ۲۹۳-۳۰۵. ۱۱۰. A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadeh, D. Toghraie, Free convection heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of water-Fe۳O۴/CNT hybrid nanofluid in a concentric annulus, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow ۲۹ (۲۰۱۹) ۹۱۵-۹۳۴. ۱۱۱. M. Monfared, A. Shahsavar, M.R. Bahrebar, Second law analysis of turbulent convection flow of boehmite alumina nanofluid inside a double-pipe heat exchanger considering various shapes for nanoparticle, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ۱۳۵ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۵۲۱-۱۵۳۲. ۱۱۲. A. Shahsavar, A.A.A. Al-Rashed, S. Entezari, P. Talebizadeh Sardari, Melting and solidification characteristics of a double-pipe latent heat storage system with sinusoidal wavy channels embedded in a porous medium, Energy ۱۷۱ (۲۰۱۹) ۷۵۱-۷۶۹. ۱۱۳. J. Alsarraf, A. Moradikazerouni, A. Shahsavar, M. Afrand, H. Salehipour, M.D. Tran, Hydrothermal analysis of turbulent boehmite alumina nanofluid flow with different nanoparticle shapes in a minichannel heat exchanger using two-phase mixture model, Physica A ۵۲۰ (۲۰۱۹) ۲۷۵-۲۸۸. ۱۱۴. A.A. Alnaqi, H. Moayedi, A. Shahsavar, T.K. Nguyen, Prediction of energetic performance of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system thorough artificial neural network and hybrid particle swarm optimization models, Energy Conversion and Management ۱۸۳ (۲۰۱۹) ۱۳۷-۱۴۸. ۱۱۵. A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, D. Toghraie, H. Salihepour, Experimental investigation and develop ANNs by introducing the suitable architectures and training algorithms supported by sensitivity analysis: Measure thermal conductivity and viscosity for liquid paraffin based nanofluid containing Al۲O۳ nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids ۲۷۶ (۲۰۱۹) ۸۵۰-۸۶۰. ۱۱۶. A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, A. Karimipour, M. Goodarzi, A novel comprehensive experimental study concerned synthesizes and prepare liquid paraffin-Fe۳O۴ mixture to develop models for both thermal conductivity & viscosity: A new approach of GMDH type of neural network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ۱۳۱ (۲۰۱۹) ۴۳۲-۴۴۱. ۱۱۷. A. Shahsavar, M. Bahiraei, R. Ansarian, Effect of line dipole magnetic field on entropy generation of Mn-Zn ferrite ferrofluid flowing through a minichannel using two-phase mixture model, Powder Technology ۳۴۰ (۲۰۱۸) ۳۷۰-۳۷۹. ۱۱۸. A. Shahsavar, S., Khanmohammadi, Feasibility of a hybrid BIPV/T and thermal wheel system for exhaust air heat recovery: Energy and exergy assessment and multi-objective optimization, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۴۶ (۲۰۱۸) ۱۰۴-۱۲۲. ۱۱۹. A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadeh Sardari, S. Yasseri, R. Babaei Mahani, Performance evaluation of a naturally ventilated photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) solar collector: A case study, International Journal of Energy and Environment ۹ (۲۰۱۸) ۴۵۵-۴۷۲. ۱۲۰. H. Salehipour, A. Shahsavar, A three dimensional elasticity model for free vibration analysis of functionally graded micro/nano plates: Modified strain gradient theory, Composite Structure ۲۰۶ (۲۰۱۸) ۴۱۵-۴۲۴. ۱۲۱. S. Khanmohammadi, A. Shahsavar, Energy analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel exhaust air heat recovery system consisting of an air-based building integrated photovoltaic/thermal system and a thermal wheel, Energy Conversion and Management ۱۷۲ (۲۰۱۸) ۵۹۵-۶۱۰. ۱۲۲. A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, M. Khaki, M. Salmanzadeh, Performance assessment of an innovative exhaust air energy recovery system based on the PV/T-assisted thermal wheel, Energy ۱۶۲ (۲۰۱۸) ۶۸۲-۶۹۶. ۱۲۳. M. Bahiraei, A. Godini, A. Shahsavar, Thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a minichannel heat exchanger operated with a non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers ۸۴ (۲۰۱۸) ۲۸-۴۰. ۱۲۴. A. Shahsavar, M. Moradi, M. Bahiraei, Heat transfer and entropy generation optimization for flow of a non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid containing coated CNT/Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles in a concentric annulus”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers ۸۴ (۲۰۱۸) ۱۴۹-۱۶۱. ۱۲۵. A. Shahsavar, Y. Rajabi, Exergoeconomic and enviroeconomic study of an air based building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) system, Energy ۱۴۴ (۲۰۱۸) ۸۷۷-۸۸۶. ۱۲۶. M. Khaki, A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, Scenario-based multi-objective optimization of an air based building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) system, Solar Energy Engineering ۱۴۰ (۲۰۱۸) ۰۱۱۰۰۳. ۱۲۷. M. Khaki, A. Shahsavar, S. Khanmohammadi, M. Salmanzadeh, Energy and exergy analysis and multi-objective optimization of an air based building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) system, Solar Energy ۱۵۸ (۲۰۱۷) ۳۸۰-۳۹۵. ۱۲۸. A. Shahsavar, Z. Rahimi, M. Bahiraei, Optimization of irreversibility and thermal characteristics of a mini heat exchanger operated with a new hybrid nanofluid containing carbon nanotubes decorated with magnetic nanoparticles, Energy Conversion and Management ۱۵۰ (۲۰۱۷) ۳۷-۴۷. ۱۲۹. M. Bahiraei, M. Berahmand, A. Shahsavar, Irreversibility analysis for flow of a non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid containing coated CNT/Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles in a minichannel heat exchanger”, Applied Thermal Engineering ۱۲۵ (۲۰۱۷) ۱۰۸۳-۱۰۹۳. ۱۳۰. A. Shahsavar, M. Bahiraei, Experimental investigation and modeling of thermal conductivity and viscosity for non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid containing coated CNT/Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles, Powder Technology ۳۱۸ (۲۰۱۷) ۴۴۱-۴۵۰. ۱۳۱. A. Shahsavar, M.R. Salimpour, M. Saghafian, M.B. Shafii, Experimental investigation on laminar forced convective heat transfer of ferrofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes under constant and alternating magnetic field, Experimental thermal and fluid science ۷۶ (۲۰۱۶) ۱-۱۱. ۱۳۲. A. Shahsavar, M.R. Salimpour, M. Saghafian, M.B. Shafii, Effect of magnetic field on thermal conductivity and viscosity of a magnetic nanofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology ۳۰ (۲۰۱۶) ۸۰۹-۸۱۵. ۱۳۳. A. Shahsavar, M.R. Salimpour, M. Saghafian, M.B. Shafii, Effect of temperature and concentration on thermal conductivity and viscosity of ferrofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes, Heat and Mass Transfer ۵۲ (۲۰۱۶) ۲۲۹۳-۲۳۰۱. ۱۳۴. A. Shahsavar, M.R. Salimpour, M. Saghafian, M.B. Shafii, An experimental study on the effect of ultrasonication on thermal conductivity of ferrofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes, Thermochimica Acta ۶۱۷ (۲۰۱۵) ۱۰۲-۱۱۰. ۱۳۵. A. Shahsavar, P. Talebizadeh, H. Tabaei, Optimization with genetic algorithm of a PV/T air collector with natural air flow and a case study, Journal of Renewable and sustainable energy ۵ (۲۰۱۳) ۰۲۳۱۱۸. ۱۳۶. M. Ameri, M.M. Mahmoudabadi, A. Shahsavar, An experimental study on a PV/T air collector with direct coupling of fans and panels, Energy Sources, Part A ۳۴ (۲۰۱۲) ۹۲۹-۹۴۷. ۱۳۷. A. Shahsavar, M. Ameri M. Gholampour, Energy and exergy analysis of a photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) collector with natural air flow, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering ۱۳۴ (۲۰۱۲) ۰۱۱۰۱۴. ۱۳۸. A. Shahsavar, M. Salmanzadeh, M. Ameri, P. Talebizadeh, Energy saving in buildings by using the exhaust and ventilation air for cooling of photovoltaic panels, Energy and Buildings ۴۳ (۲۰۱۱) ۲۲۱۹-۲۲۲۶. ۱۳۹. A. Shahsavar, M. Ameri, Experimental investigation and modeling of a direct-coupled PV/T air collector, Solar Energy ۸۴ (۲۰۱۰) ۱۹۳۸-۱۹۵۸. ۱۴۰. S.A. Gandjalikhan Nassab, A. Shahsavar, M.A. Moghimi, Analysis of combined conduction and radiation heat transfer in a rectangular furnace including two heat sources, International Journal of Engineering (IJE) ۲۵ (۲۰۱۲) ۶۵-۷۰.

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شماره تماس : پست الکترونیکی : a.shahsavar@kut.ac.ir