Mahdiyeh Adeli
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Mahdiyeh Adeli
English Papers
1- Distributed trust‐based unscented Kalman filter for non‐linear state estimation under cyber‐attacks: The application of manoeuvring target tracking over wireless sensor networks M Adeli, M Hajatipour, MJ Yazdanpanah, M Shafieirad, H Hashemi- Dezaki IET Control Theory & Applications 2- Optimized cyber-attack detection method of power systems using sliding mode observer M Adeli, M Hajatipour, MJ Yazdanpanah, H Hashemi-Dezaki, M Shafieirad Electric Power Systems Research 3- Adaptive observer‐based control for fractional‐order chaotic MEMS system Z Yaghoubi, M Adeli IET Control Theory & ApplicationsContact with professor
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