Tuesday 10 December 2024

Financial Affairs Management


Forough o Zaman Kkamoshi

Director of the Unit

Ext: 1020

Tel: 38305015



First Name and Last Name



Amir Rahbar

Expert at Receipt, Payment and Bookkeeping


Kianoush Golparvaran

Senior Expert at Financial Affairs


Mohsen Pazad

Expert at Property, Check Issuance, Current and Constructional Filing


Zahra Jaberi

Expert at the Salary of Employees and Retirees


Mostafa Karami

Expert at Document Handling



In order to carry out its duties, such as the management of financial resources and University expenses, the Financial Management of the University diligently strives to fulfil its assigned tasks optimally. While emphasizing the effective role of financial management in decision making and creating value, it is committed to increase financial transparency as well as financial and operational accountability in such a way that the financial unit of the University provides a comprehensive view of activities in the form of the financial standards of the public sector as well as the rules and regulations approved by the Board of Trustees with a view toward the financial independence of universities.


General Responsibilities

- Carrying out all financial affairs of the University in accordance with rules and regulations

- Receiving and collecting general and exclusive revenues of the University

- Preparing and adjusting the necessary financial information regarding receipts, payments, funds and obligation of keeping accounts of funds and preparing necessary reports for relevant authorities

- Handling the documents and systems of staff salaries and benefits in terms of compliance with regulations

-  Cooperating in the preparation and formulation of the current and constructional budget of the University

-  Supervising the maintenance and organization of financial documents

- Handling the financial documents of the University in terms of compliance with regulations as well as financial and transactional bylaws

- Supervising the correct use of funds through pre- and post-handling

-  Supervising the maintenance and organization of property records and ensuring the implementation of rules and regulations pertaining to bylaws for state properties and the manner of using them

- Preparing reports regarding financial performance in order to submit them to the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs

-  Preparing the work schedule of subordinate units as well as controlling and supervising their work