Saturday 25 January 2025



The Executive Recruitment Board

By transforming the mechanism of recruitment and change in the employment status of faculty members of universities and research centers, the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution approved a bylaw in 2007, through which it defined a new structure for the recruitment of faculty members. The aim of the Council, in addition to profiting from the abilities of educated, competent, pious and revolutionary graduates as well as recruiting young and committed workforce from home and abroad, was to create unity of procedure in the recruitment of faculty members and reduce bureaucracy.

In the new structure, three levels have been created for the recruitment of faculty members, each one on top of the other. At the top of this structure, the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution has set up a board called the Supreme Recruitment Board of faculty members of universities and research centers, which acts directly under the supervision of the Council and is located within its Secretariat. Below the Supreme Recruitment Board there are two more boards in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology as well as the Ministry of Health and Medical Education called the Central Recruitment Board of faculty members, which are responsible for supervising and coordinating the recruitment of faculty members and changes in their employment status. Executive Recruitment Boards of faculty members are below the Central Recruitment Board. In all universities and research centers, these Boards are responsible for assessing the academic and general qualifications of faculty membership applicants and those faculty members who request a change in their employment status.


Responsibilities and Authorities of the Executive Recruitment Board

a) Identifying the need for recruiting faculty members in academic and research departments

b) Executing calls for applications for recruiting faculty members

c) Making decisions regarding the manner of recruiting faculty members, such as temporary, contractual, probationary permanent, officially permanent, faculty membership through non-military service, mission and transfer of faculty members according to relevant bylaws and regulations

d) Giving verdicts on the recruitment of applicants who request to be recruited as faculty members by the University and on scholarship applicants in terms of academic and general qualifications

e) Supervising the proper enforcement of regulations pertaining to the recruitment of faculty members

f) Presenting constant and annual reports to the Central Recruitment Board at the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

Members of the Executive Recruitment Board at Kermanshah University of Technology

1. Dr. Alireza Doodman Tipi: President of the University and Chairman of the Executive Recruitment Board

2. Hojatoleslam Mehrabi: Head of the Office of the Supreme Leader at the University

3. Dr. Seyed Abolfazl Mousavizadeh: Secretary of the Executive Recruitment Board

4. Dr. Sina Zereshki: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

5. Dr. Mahmood Heshmati: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

6. Dr. Reza Hemmati: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

7. Dr. Mehdi Khazaei: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

8. Dr. Mehdi Ahmadi Jirdehi: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

9. Dr. Behzad Ghanbari: Member of the Executive Recruitment Board

Committees of the Executive Recruitment Board

In order to accelerate the process of recruiting and assessing academic and general qualifications of faculty membership applicants, the Executive Recruitment Board sets up two committees: the Committee for the Assessment of Academic Qualifications and the Committee for the Assessment of General Qualifications. After being confirmed by the Executive Recruitment Board, members of each committee are appointed by the order of the Chairman of the Board for two years. Members of these committees, after the necessary evaluations, complete the relevant forms which show the results of their assessment of applicants’ academic and general qualifications, and confidentially present these forms through the representative of the Executive Recruitment Board to the Executive Recruitment Board for a final decision.

1) The Committee for the Assessment of Academic Qualifications

In order to assess academic qualifications of faculty membership applicants (contractual employment, change in the employment status from contractual to probationary permanent, from probationary permanent to officially permanent, non-military service, etc.) as well as scholarship applicants, the Committee for the Assessment of Academic Qualifications is set up for different fields of specialization under the supervision of the Executive Recruitment Board.

The formation of each Committee is as follows:

1. President of the related faculty or the Vice President for Research Affairs (for research faculty members)

2. Head of the related academic and research department

3. At least two faculty members who specialize in the same field of specialization as the applicant, selected by the Executive Recruitment Board which, depending on the file, are invited to the meeting of the Committee

4. One member of the Executive Recruitment Board or its representative who is required to be an official faculty member of the University

2) The Committee for the Assessment of General Qualifications

In order to assess general qualifications of faculty membership applicants (part-time employment, contractual employment, change in the employment status from contractual to probationary permanent, from probationary permanent to officially permanent, non-military service, etc.) as well as scholarship applicants, the Committee for the Assessment of General Qualifications is set up under the supervision of the Executive Recruitment Board with the following formation:

1. Representative of the University President

2. Head of the Office of the Supreme Leader at the University

3. Three official faculty members, proposed by the Executive Recruitment Board, confirmed by the Supreme Selection Board and appointed by the order of the Secretary of the Central Recruitment Board for four years

Secretariat of the Executive Recruitment Board

All the executive affairs of the Executive Recruitment Board, including calls for applications, receiving collaboration requests, making files, answering the queries of applicants, etc. are done by the Secretariat of the Executive Recruitment Board. The head of the Secretariat is appointed by the Chairman of the Executive Recruitment Board.

a) Conducting meetings of the Executive Recruitment Board of faculty members

b) Executing the resolutions of the University’s Executive Recruitment Board

c) Correspondence with the Center for Recruitment and Supervision at the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

d) Answering the queries of faculty membership applicants



The Executive Recruitment Board Staff

1. Rasoul Abedini: Expert at the Executive Recruitment Board and the Board of Assessors, Ext. 1007

2. Tahere Karami: Expert at the Executive Recruitment Board and the Board of Assessors, Ext. 1004
